10. You are a beautiful person.
20. You deserve to be happy.
30. You are so negative and unfriendly, and I constantly dream of you being this happy carefree person. I know you could use someone to vent to other than myself. you could use someone who will put their arm around you and rub your back. You could use someone to carry your books. Someone who will accept you. You don't need to prove to the world that you are "alright" with what you got. It's okay. We know you are unhappy. We know that you can't hold it together forever. its going to fall apart eventually. You don't need to show off what you got. because what you got isn't hot. You don't need to brag about it. I don't approve either way. He could give you a diamond ring. I still won't be impressed. You deserve better than a I'd-rather-be-playing-halo guy. or even a I-cheated-and-could-care-less douche fag.

I know love. I've read about it. I've researched it. I've attempted to define love. and I know what you have isn't love. I can tell you have a strong feeling of love. but I can't see it in his eyes. Relationships. They’re solid. They’re long. They’re comfortable. They’re home. It’s a different kind of being known. A different kind of close. A different kind of love. can't you understand? My love is a good example, it goes something like this:
You put your hand on my heart. I caught my breathe and held it for what seemed like an eternity. And then you leaned down and kissed me softly and just held me for an eternity I wasn't even sure if I loved you yet. But at that moment, I knew you were different. You weren't like the other guys. You didn't rush me or make me feel bad for pushing you away. You were patient.
Find the right kind of love. The kind you know is right. the kind you know is kind. the kind you know is love. don't give it up once you do find it. don't let it die.
la mort c'est la mort. mais l'amour c'est l'amour. la mort c'est seulement la mort. mais l'amour c'est l'amour. - death is death. but love is love. death is only death. but love is love.

Call me bitter, but it makes me so mad to see it sometimes. Especially when my friend comes crying to me. I know i should be a great friend and listen, and don't get me wrong... i do; i sit there and listen and offer my best advice from the heart but deep down inside i just want to take her by the shoulders and shake her compulsively while screaming "you have no idea!". Because really, she doesn't have any idea. None of these back and forth couples do. They have no idea what it's like to be completely ripped and pushed away from someone you love and be forced to let go...to have to deal with the pain that comes with someone giving up on you and wanting nothing to do with you ever again, just like that.
seeing all of these couples get back together, or make a huge fuss when they're on a break because to them it's the end of the world to even think of letting go, even though realistically they'll be back with each other in a month give or take, makes me want to roll my eyes or smack them in the head. Sometimes i wish it could be me. And it was briefly. I took back a crappy relationship and you know what it was the second time around? Crap. Big shocker there. And i sometimes look at these couples that get back together and i still wish it could be me. That like all the other guys i see, my ex will come busting through my door with a bouquet of roses and tears in his pathetic eyes, begging to start something over again. But you know what? It didn't happen for me and it will never happen for me and that's something that makes you strong.
So this one goes out to all of the people how have been broken but have been strong enough to let go. For the people who have hurt so badly that they felt they could never love again, but kept their head up. For those who feel like going back to their old lover would put all the pieces back where they belong and everything would fit, but accept the cold hard truth instead. For the people that learn from their mistakes and never stop moving forward, even when they take two steps back. For the people that wish loneliness wasn't a part of them, but put up with it anyhow. For the people that are okay with taking up all of the room in the bed, even if sometimes it feels a little empty. For the people who wake up in the morning with no missed calls, but smile anyway. For the people that periodically miss the past, but are so much more excited for the future. For the people that have wounds still healing. For the people that have so much tied to their past relationship, but break those chains to start fresh. For the people that want to look back so badly, but focus on the road ahead. For the people that pick up the phone so tempted to call, but keep their dignity in tact instead. For the people that never wanted to let go, but had to. For the people that still believe in love even after all of the hurt their heart has endured.
For all the people that gave up not because they were weak, but because most times it's better just to let go.
This one is for you. We'll get our happy ending someday.
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