Sparkle. Shock.
Colored Chalk.
Boom. Ka-bang.
Talking slang.
Ping. ta-ching.
Turquoise spring.
gunshot pow.
tipping cows.
here ends my rhyme of the day.
here begins my blog.
There once was a man who lived in a house in a wooded area. He liked to drive into town and meet new people, and hear the latest news. He also enjoyed walk

ing and searching for interesting things. One day, feeling adventurous, he searched high and low for something unique. something gold. something pretty. something bold. He came across a beautiful Feather that was golden and white. when he picked it up he noticed a packing peanut, and a note on it that said, "3" He had no idea what to make of the note. so he looked for more clues and hints. eventually coming across a Red robin perched at his feet. He was quite surprised when it wasn't scared away by him. It flew up and beckoned for him to follow. so he chased after this bird for a while. until he came across a clearing in the woods. light shining down through the trees, he saw the most beautiful human being he had ever lain eyes upon. She look up from under her eyelashes at him, then acknowledging her red feathered friend. He took a step forward, and sat across from her. "I've been waiting for you, my love." she told him with a small smile etched across her lips. He had no words. He just looked at her and studied how her hair fell over her shoulders, and the sun shown the light brown tint in her hair. Her golden tan skin, & eyes so big and captivating.. He fell in. and her lips, so tantalizing. He opened his mouth to say something but no words could pass. He fell shy of sa

ying anything. Not knowing what to say and a bit embarrassed he looked down. "What took you so long?" A rhetorical question he hoped, but she paused to long waiting for his answer... "you must have me mistaken.." he said very small. She replied with one thing that he could never forget, "All I want is you." He began to stand up and she followed. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her.... then they went back to his cabin... and they did
IT!just kidding!
anyways. there is no ending to this story because this is a forever kind of love.
(to be continued?..) :]
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