Today was... well. lets just say day isn't the best time of day for me. Its not like I even did anything interesting. or anything at all. it was just a regular kind of school day. almost. well i did eat lunch with my friends today. big shocker. But it was very enjoyable. Not everyone will like me.. but I try my very best to seem.. real enough. not fake.
I came home to a happy family. [very good] and spent most of the rest of the day either cooking or sitting here at this stupid computer trying to download the new itunes. Is it even worth it? i don't know. Along with that i was trying to figure out what to write about here. a few topics i came up with were: teenagers, love and dogs. pretty great right? so i need to expand my list of topics to write about although I'm mostly a writer of love and passion and improving relationships, advice, etc. etc. etc.

Speaking of dogs... I really want a puppy. But we already have two old dogs at the end of their line. and it may seem as though i am being careless and ignorant. But our dogs will be gone within the next two weeks. and before i know it my dad will be growing a green lawn that he'll like to mow every now and then. So i was looking on the interweb and found a really cute puppy. actually i found many cute puppies. but one stood out to me the most. Time is running out. and i really need to make quick decisions if i should get this puppy or not because she doesn't have much time left.... Save a puppy?
next subject:
Our generation has balls. We aren't afraid. we take our chances. we make mistakes then we grow wise. Some of the wisest people i know are teenagers. and thats all i have to say about that.
last but not least. Love.
Today. you should love. till the end of your days. be patient. and be kind. be respectful of yourself. take advice. and remember i'll always pull you through. even if i don't agree.
the reason that the ring is placed on the fourth finger from your thumb on your left hand is because its the only finger in your hand that has a vein running all the way to your heart.
be good with your heart.
thats alll folks.
hakuna matata.
(i'll have a better blog tomorrow. today wasn't my floww)
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