I've never met you. Never even seen a passing glance. I've never seen the color of your eyes. Or hair for that matter. I've never seen your smile, or watched as time flew by and your laugh lines etch themselves upon your face. I've never been shopping with you. Or told you about a current boyfriend. I've never heard you scold me. or look at me with disappointment. I've never heard you sing. or what your favorite kind of animal is. I don't know if you are tall, or short, or skinny, or fat. Or if you like music, or food, or dogs, or cats.
I've never met you.
You've never met me. Never even glanced a

t me. or seen the color of my eyes. Or seen the color of my hair for that matter, and that it changes along with the seasons. You've never seen my smile. Or how my smile could easily lighten up other peoples days. Never heard my voice. My laugh. My giggle. My I Love you's in the morning and sweet dreams in the night. Never heard me sing my songs. You don't know that I am happy with a boy. Or even that my favorite color is yellow like the sun and gold like my heart. You don't know that I was offered a record deal. You don't know that i have an empty hole in my heart that doesn't know me because it wants to know you first.
You've never met me.
I've always pondered about you. Wondered what you are like. How your life is now. If you think about me as often as i do about you. What kind of music you listen to. Blues? or Jazz? Metal? or Rap? I don't know if you have dark skin as i do. or if you are white. Did you know that i am pursuing a career in
Cosmetology? And today... my boyfriend gave my such a big and obvious hicky?! And I am about to make myself dinner and a batch of cookies for me and my friends! And in a couple weeks.. I'm going to Homecoming dance with my cutie batooty boyfriend that i love so dearly. Wearing my yellow stiletto heals. and a sinfully cute dress. And today... a couple boys said i looked like snookie! and wanted my autograph. haha. but i don't know whats going on in your life...
I don't know you. and you don't know me.
Should i keep it that way? or should we just be passing strangers forever with missing pieces scattered about us? All i do know... is that i love you. Even though

you gave up. Even though you couldn't handle carrying a burden so painful as me. I love you. Even though i don't know who you are. Or where you live.Or How you dress. Or How you act. I love you. Missing or not. Stranger or not. I love what you did for me to live. I love your ghostly laugh unheard. and your voice. I love your eyes. cos i know they are seen through mine. I love the color of your skin. Filipino or white. I love the color of your hair. I love your words gone unsaid.
I love you mom.
Even though you're a stranger to me.
I love that you gave up on me. When i never will give up on you. Because your hardships are worse than mine will ever be.
I love you mom.
I love you. Love you. Love you.
I secretly hope you feel the same.
The adopted.
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