Hello. they call me Lisa. Sometimes Koala girl. [don't ask] i have no specific reasoning to why I want to write. i just do. So nice to meet you. i don't have the most interesting life. like my father is a rich billionaire. and my mother makes Martinis in a poolside bar. or i live with my sister and work in a stripper bar. i am just your average teenager. and i am a musician searching some sort of vent. because i am the kind of musician who nobody knows about except for close friends and family. i don't even have a job. like working at Denny's or the nearest Mexican food place. i am going to be a junior and i don't know what i am going to do with the rest of my life. i know some people at age 40 who still don't know what they are going to do. maybe I'll move to Vegas. or New York. or live with my parents till the day i die. or maybe I'll move to Mexico. Perhaps I'll start off as a tattoo artist. or a Cosmetologist. or a vet tech. haha. like that will ever happen. there is nothing to do in my small town that is swiftly expanding. so many things i would say if i were able. but you could also fill a lake with things i have never said. as i said before i am a musician. i write music. my own music. i record it on this little device i call my H. but that's what the box says... "H2" whether it's on the piano or the guitar or even the ukulele. you can find me here

although i accidentally spelled my middle name wrong in the URL. I'm sick at the moment so i am currently living off of cough drops water and Soup. my room right now.. is like Lipton landing. I have a best friend to by the way. she's pretty much the coolest person. and inspires me everyday. when i was little i always wanted to have a friend that i could tell everything to. a friend that would tell me that she doesn't know what she would do without me. which she probably would just find a replacement for me.. but she is truly the greatest. we were made for each other. Kendra Jamar.

i adore the crap outta you. Also Adam. oh my dear Adam. four months of solid love has done us well. he's like so cool. he thinks the sun shines out of my a**... it doesn't.

i can always have a good time with that boy. and he has like the coolest family ever. i wish my dad were big man on top. my dad is a retired fireman now working as a bus driver. and my mom teaches piano. go figure. i guess it was destiny when i was adopted by these people. yes I'm adopted. but i am glad i am. because i would never have any of the people i adore now in my life. a best friend we can talk about drugs love and rock n roll. a boyfriend who is willing to paint my nails for me. and parents who support me no matter what i wanna be. and i could never forget about my sister who has taught me everything i need to know. we're street smart.

love them forever. in this small town that people mix up with sonoma. this town where every store is 20 miles apart. and nothing is within walking distance. but its perfect actually. perfect weather. not to rainy during the winter. not to hot during the summer. 3 Starbucks. within walking distance of each other. and a Walmart. the queen store of Sonora. everybody goes there.

so theres half my story. well not even half more like one fourth. or even. like one fifth... maybee.....2 sevenths..... haha thanks for reading my so called life.
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