here goes.
Infinity. Infinite love. Infinite hate. Either way. is a paralyzing state.
Identity. beautiful self. self-consciousness. either way your put to test.

Look at your shadow. notice how it never falls perfectly upon the ground. it meets a corner. it meets an edge. its stretched across the cement in the sun. or is just a wandering blob.
I'm just a wandering one. with my imperfections to follow. my bumps. my scratches. my scrapes. my bruises. and yours as well. we all fall under the same category. and that is. We have lived.
We have made it this far. Why not finish the journey. There may have been times we have wanted to give up. Let me rephrase. There have been times I have wanted to give. up and drop out of the race. but i didn't.
Before I dropped out I thought "there must be more" And there has been. I have the most wonderful life. And I have found that we tend try and find reasons to be upset. I have nothing to be upset over. I have the most wonderful boyfriend. Who I love dearly. and The best of friends who are practically sisters. and I have love. I carry it around with me, everywhere I go. You can see it in my smile. Instead of looking for something to be upset about. Look for something you can love. Fall in love with your life. as I am in love with mine. Love the people in your life. They may not be there for you till the end.
Embrace. People, and life. Stretch. and love your body! Floss. then kiss. Stride. with determination. Write. your secrets, and blow them away. Listen. and speak the words.
Go home. Someone is waiting for you. get lost in the beauty of life around you.
Laugh. and give those around you hope. There is hope for the hopeless. Neverforget. your laughter is contagious. your smile is captivating. don't worry about your problems. they will pass. and take care in those around you.
And embrace.
See you in Dreamland my love. <3
awh that was amazing i miss you so much.