Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Dear Friend,

For now you shall remain nameless.

Dear Friend-Who-Shall-Remain-Nameless,

     I thought of you. Yes. I still think of you. I think of the one time we got high, and laughed our asses off for an hour. I think of when we were young and curious. We still are. more or less. We've learned our mistakes. Grown apart, sewn together. We've seen so much, but know so little of risk. My dearest of all dear friends, You have given sunshine and planted it in my heart where it shall remain forever deep. Your laughter has been forever with me. I still look for you. In the halls, in parking lots, at stoplights. It's been too long friend. But the time we spent together is timeless. You are timeless. Unforgettable. You are Inspiring. You have given me something no one else has to offer. and that is, a friend ship. A friendship to look back on and say, "Shit, those were the best of days." The days when I was Foolish, and thrived for adventure and stupidity and adrenaline all at once.
     Oh, the things I wish to tell you. All my secrets, and all my heartaches. All the new memories I've held within my heart. How I wish to tell you those things that shall remain unsaid. The things I long to hear from you. I want to hear about your life! How is your new school? How is your new life?

Do you think of me? I wonder. Do you miss me, like I miss you? This I'm not sure if I will ever know.
It's the littlest things, like posting a blog, or seeing your face, that brings me hope for you.

      I have hope for you, dear friend. and I think of you so often. I read back upon our letters, You wished so deeply for him. You crushed so much for him. You are so happy. :) You were sad. :( You are angry. >:(
Well now you're not here. In my life anymore. Hopefully she's a better friend than I ever was. I hope you are happy. Because you deserve it old friend. I always told you this, You deserve better than the best. Still do. Always will.

I Love You, old friend.

I Love you Friend-Who-Shall-Remain-Nameless.


Your ex-best.

PS. I still have your shorts, do you want them back?

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