What exactly is "Your Plan?" You know that question every one asks you? "What are you gonna be when you grow up?" Well you practically are grown up. Just a couple more years and you'll be an adult. And then some and you can go out in town with your girls, (Or boys) and get wasted. But thats not the point. What are you going to do with your life? I know what I want to be. It took some time to figure it out. But what about you?
You're a freshman, You have a few ideas in mind, but you think you have a few years to spare until you really have to decide. You don't really think about it, even though many of the teachers are pounding it in your head to start thinking about your future and college and careers and degrees. Whatever that means. But seriously, you have big choices to make. Especially colleges. Where to go, what to major in, etc etc etc.
Sophomore year. Time is flying faster and faster. You are still thinking about it every day. "What am I going to do?" You lay out your options:
Become a vet. like you always have wanted.
Become famous over Youtube
Move to Hollywood and play at all the local bars for the rest of your life.
Be the first to live on the moon.
Be a secret agent. with multiple secret identities.
Live at moms playing Halo till you figure out what to do.
Vampire Slayer. A classic.
We all consider the options. So many to choose from. Time is running out.
Junior Year. You realize all this talk of Senior project. All the pointless notecards. All the Essays, and how serious this is getting. Like a serious relationship, You really start to think about the future.
Senior year. You better figure it out. Or wing it. But I wouldn't suggest wingin' it... even though I just did...
But what are you going to do?
What are you going to do?